Black shining half female mannequin with iron base

Black shining half female mannequin with iron base

Inventory: 1
Product No.: 442
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Shipping time: 2-5 Days

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(P2): €0,00 to DE

Black shining half female mannequin with iron base
Black shining half female mannequin with iron base
Black shining half female mannequin with iron base
Black shining half female mannequin with iron base
Black shining half female mannequin with iron base
Black shining half female mannequin with iron base

Wir bieten hier einen wunderschönen weiblichen Torso ohne Kopf, aber mit Armen und einem Metallständer an.

Sie erhalten eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mwst.

Torso mit Metallständer (keine Kleidung und Perücke im Preis enthalten).

If you dont want delivery, after telephonic agreement (contact) you can pick up this article at our warehouse 16775 Gransee.

The doll has the following properties:

Color: Black and shiny
Peculiarity: Torso
Attachment: metal stand
Stand plate: metal

Height: 70-125 cm
Neck: 31 cm
Shoulder: 45 cm
Chest: 85 cm
Under chest: 65 cm
Waist: 61 cm

This Product was added to our catalogue on Sunday, 14. February 2010.

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